Friday, January 23, 2009

Smartphone Theme - Heart Sky


This one is a little girly, but in a subtle way. I love a calming sky, and when you look closely, you see that the clouds from a perfectly charming heart right in the middle of your screen.

How cool!

Download the .cab file that corresponds with your phone's screen dimensions:

HeartSky 320x240
HeartSky 240x320
HeartSky 240x240
HeartSky 176x220

>> See download agreement in the right sidebar <<


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Content Download Agreement

By downloading smartphone themes from this website, you acknowledge that you understand these are original mobile software products and are not to be copied or redistributed AT ALL, for any reason, EVER. All smartphone themes are property of The Smartphone Station, created by the owner.

About the Author

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I'm a business and tech writer, smartphone fanatic, and avid blogger. This is simply the crossroads of my passion...