Saturday, January 24, 2009

Smartphone Theme - Golden (Animated)


I only made this one for 320x240 screens for what I believe to be obvious reasons. However, there are more animated themes coming soon, and they will be for as many resolutions as each design looks good on, you know? Jill Scott sings about 'living your life like it's golden', so I want to encourage smartphone users who do to keep on doing it. It's a great philosophy, and I think this is a great smartphone theme.

However, in order to install the .cab file properly, you have to have the Madbeetle animation plugin, which is available RIGHT HERE. There is a free trial, but I'm sure you'll want to go ahead and shell out the couple bucks it costs to get the full plugin so you can download all the new free animated smartphone themes here as they become available!

Download the Madbeetle animation plugin.

Download the Golden theme for 320x240 resolution screens.

>> See download agreement in the right sidebar <<


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Content Download Agreement

By downloading smartphone themes from this website, you acknowledge that you understand these are original mobile software products and are not to be copied or redistributed AT ALL, for any reason, EVER. All smartphone themes are property of The Smartphone Station, created by the owner.

About the Author

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I'm a business and tech writer, smartphone fanatic, and avid blogger. This is simply the crossroads of my passion...