Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do I Really Want the Windows Mobile 6.5 Upgrade When It Arrives?


If I had to make a decision right now, I would say no. I am extremely happy with Windows Mobile 6.1, and from what I have seen so far of it, it doesn't look like I'll be jumping on that bandwagon. Windows Mobile 6.1 is a genuine upgrade from 6.0, improving the user experience while retaining the ease of use and organization that I so love about smartphones in general. This new user interface, although it may not be the final draft, uses a mystical honeycomb format that I think is more about fashion than function.

And it's not all that cute, in my humble opinion.

While the rest of the world is ooh-ing and aah-ing over Windows Mobile 6.5 whenever it does drop (supposedly in Q3 of this year), I think I'll go out for a coffee or something. Maybe Windows Mobile 7 will get back to business and out of Minority Report. I don't know...


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I'm a business and tech writer, smartphone fanatic, and avid blogger. This is simply the crossroads of my passion...